Trader's Manual

.4xTeam Trader's Manual

Available on Amazon globally.

"Following Jonas’ unbelievable €53.30 to €32,405.37 trading account growth in the span of 19 days, hundreds of enquiries on social media and email started appearing; begging for more information and education.

After 8 months of production and perfecting - the .4xTeam Trader’s Manual is ready, with fully developed chapters from the introduction of foreign exchange trading all the way to making profitable trades and becoming a consistently profitable trader for yourself.

With over 120 diagrams explaining key ideas and theories, everything learnt by Jonas in the past 4 years of daily technical analysis education is explained fully and in depth; to be useful for both a complete beginner, and more experienced traders that are struggling to stay profitable. All the key components explained in the manual are then used and proven in real, recent live examples of trades with exact explanations on the market movement presented, and how it was analysed to successfully profit from.

By covering the most valuable aspects of account management, and combined with the most successful methods of analysing the market - the .4xTeam Trader’s Manual provides efficient information on maximising profit while minimising losses.

Most importantly, an entire chapter on the highly requested breakdown of the record-breaking €53.30 to €32,405.37 trading account; which includes real-time analysis and diagrams of the financial markets for each individual trade placed during the history of the account. This, combined with the thought process and explanations behind each entry into the market, ensures that it is a great resource to learn from and develop your own individual trading ability.

The technical analysis chapter contains a rundown of the most useful constituent parts needed to accurately understand market structure, tendencies and sentiment - to significantly better your trading decisions in the future. With the 11 key chapters included in the manual, profitable trading can be simplified and achieved with enough determination and the right mindset.

"I hope you have come into this trading manual with the understanding of the importance and value the life long ability of trading can bring, and I wish you the best of luck in your trading career." - Jonas"

Disclaimer - The manual is not a full walk-through of the trading process and is not meant for completely beginner traders. The video course is a full beginner walk-through from starting your analysis to placing your trades to monitoring the price action after placing a trade.